City of Calgary
Approvals Continuum


A Multi-Step Path to Occupancy

The City of Calgary undertakes a detailed, multi-departmental review of each planning and development application. Land Use Redesignation applications often take 8-12+ months from submission until decision, with Development Permit approvals coming later, which are then followed by Building Permit approvals. Complex applications, or those with unique circumstances, may not fit the timelines indicated above and may require customized timelines.

Brewery-Rail Lands is in its earliest stage within this Approvals Continuum. Approvals for the MATCO Application Site are not anticipated until 2023, with occupancy and build-out of the entire Comprehensive Planning Area occurring over the next 20 years.

Additional approvals and opportunities for public input will be sought through these next stages of the Approvals Continuum as the redevelopment of the lands advances.


Land Use & Outline Plan Application and Outreach Process Timeline